Dairy-Free No Churn Ice Cream Sammies

August 14, 2024
Dairy-Free No Churn Ice Cream Sammies

We’re mixing up the dreamiest dairy-free no churn ice cream sammies over here because it’s WAY toooo roasty toasty outside to be baking 🥵 This is our version of a Neapolitan trifecta and we think it’s the perfect way to celebrate the summer!

This recipe can also be adapted using any of our flavors, so just grab your fav junes and go crazyyyy!


  • Cookies of choice (2 per sammie), we used sugar cookies
  • 3 x 4oz containers of cocojune flavors of your choice, we used Mixed Berry, Strawberry Rhubarb, and Passion Fruit
  • ¾ cup of coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp honey or vegan honey
  • Food coloring of your choice; organic liquid coloring or powder (turmeric, butterfly pea etc)
  • freeze dried strawberries, sprinkles and toasted coconut for topping


  1. Mix all wet ingredients in a medium bowl until well combined. (If you’re doing multiple flavors just repeat with the same measurements). 
  2. Pour each flavor mixture in a separate glass or ceramic baking dish and cover. Freeze for 30 minutes.
  3. Remove the dishes from the freezer. Stir the already-frozen edges into the still-soft center, then spread evenly again. Cover and place in the freezer for 2 hours. Repeat stirring every 30 minutes.
  4. When the entire mixture is frozen, serve immediately or freeze it for 1-2 more hours for a firmer consistency.
  5. Place a scoop of ice cream between your two cookies and top with sprinkles, freeze dried strawberries or toasted coconut.

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